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What I minted this week

A letter to week 7

Welcome to the 36 new people who joined the onchain letters community since Friday!

I'm thankful for all 696 of you and I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend 💤

If you're enjoying my writing, please share Onchain Letters with your friends in Crypto and join the /onchainletters channel on Farcaster 🤝

Every Sunday, I share what I minted throughout the week.

It can be hard to keep up with everything that's happening onchain so hopefully the list below helps you discover a fun project or initiative you may have missed.

Note: some of the minting periods may have ended.

In case you missed my letters from this week, here's a quick recap:

  1. A letter to Coinbase: A deep dive on all things Coinbase.

    • Fun archives from the OG tumblr blog (2012-2016)

    • Coinbase's 3 pillars from Q3 earnings

    • Examples & metrics of CB firing on all cylinders (legal, Base, marketing, ETF custodian)

    • Considerations for Coinbase

    • Coinbase mafia & Brian Armstrong's pragmatism

  2. Onchain Letters Roundup #2: Key takeaways and snippets from my last 9 letters. I also discuss the launch of my new Farcaster channel for the newsletter.../onchainletters!

Also, this week I submitted my first proposal for retroactive funding through Purple DAO 🤝

What I minted this week

Coinbase Mints

Two fun Coinbase mints this week showing how the company is doing a fantastic job of pushing the boundaries with onchain marketing.

  1. The first is "Mint a Penny" which is a commemorative mint for Coinbase's latest marketing campaign. But the catch is that minting the NFT allows you to buy merch using Coinbase commerce.

  1. The second was Coinbase minting their Q4 '22 earnings report onchain! Was perfect timing with my letter to Coinbase this week.

Hypersub Subscriptions

I also got these awesome mints from Chris Carella's Studio 2: Saint Valentine & Purple Energy #3.

And check these two airdrops from my Muse subscription.

General Mints

  • Dawufi had a fun "Wufs" mint that I joined in on to support as a friend. A fun new concept for his /wufs channel

    • Based God had a fun mint where you could "mint with people around the world" and see how many other folks you were aligned with. At the time I minted, I think there were 43 people I was aligned with.

If you found the list above helpful, please share it with friends in crypto who you think should mint as well!

That's all for today

- YB

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